Thank you, Kim. I've had CDB (cross domain bacteria) disease for over fifteen years. What is commonly known as Morgellons. Your post is like listening to me tell myself what has happened to me as well as you. It's great you're coming forward like this.

I can't agree with you more that God is the key. Like you, I am being healed in miraculous ways.

People always ask me what physical treatments I've used and I've used most all of them, but they don't really matter because if God isn't living in you, they won't make any real difference.

This is so much bigger than most realize. It's actually amazing and wonderous. This disease brought me to Jesus and if you knew me, you would know what a long shot I am. I am grateful for what I've gone through because my life is incomparably better than it was before I was infected. I am such a better person than I was and I would never go back to who I was before I became ill. I thank Jesus for CDB as strange as that may sound.

Now it's time is over and I'm regaining my health. You are an inspiration. I can feel inside me I am growing stronger than I've ever been. The junk in me is dying and coming out and your story is confirming there are others who are going through the same process.

God Bless.

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My heart goes out to you, that is a long time fighting.. you are a true warrior and inspiration! What a beautiful experience you shared thank you. Can't do better than that: what was sent out to destroy you made you stronger and better.. that is so powerful<3 I am feeling quite a bit the same in that department, though I stop at being thankful for being saved but if I really think of it, its certainly changed me for the better in many ways too. you are one of the people whom originally inspired me to not stay quiet, thinking of all you suffers for so long and the hell that must have been, im sure "they" tried their best to make you feel alone and crazy. thank you for being you and giving it hell.. and sharing that with me<3 Keep up the great work!!

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I hope to be well enough soon to start a stack along the lines of yours. I think many people are going to need help navigating what's to come and I have experience sailing those seas.

I saw too many commit suicide as their lives were destroyed over the years or fall into deep depressions. I know how all that feels and there is an escape.

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I know many would benefit greatly from your advice, perspective and example of perseverance. You give great hope to anyone in this battle, and your first hand knowledge and experience kicking butt would really help people see that they can overcome this, one of the biggest hurdles I believe.. the mental aspect. It is so upsetting knowing how many suffered so much and were treated like crap while trying to battle this evil, but your story brings hope to the too many just starting this fight. No comparison to sharing your first hand experience and successes, you are a true inspiration. I look forward to reading if you decide to! thanks again for sharing.

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wow Pirate Studebaker. That is really inspiring. I'm in a process/struggle myself these days to figure out the God and Jesus scenario. So I really appreciate your story. And glad you got better and that Jesus helped you.

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You'll figure out your struggle. I haven't known a single person who was struggling with the God and Jesus scenario that didn't begin to find the answers and they keep on coming. For my whole life I hope to keep receiving glimpses of His wisdom. His love needs no explanation.

I haven't been cured of Morgellons/CDB disease. Sorry if I implied it. It's that it doesn't consume me anymore. Most days, anyway. I still slip into self-pity on occasion, but Jesus shows me the way out and the lost days are fewer all the time.

There is no life like living for Him with the Holy Spirit inside me, connecting me to Him.

I may have further purpose, but as of today my purpose for living is clear. To live for Him and to die for Him if necessary. I am more than cool with that. It's freedom.

God Bless and thank you for your comment. It means a lot to me.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by Kim

Pirate, HEY. Well I'm really becoming convinced that the "journey" you described is right-on. The reason i say that is because EVERY story /testimonial that I've been researching, their tale is pretty much verbatim the things you mentioned. So what you said further is very encouraging to me, once again. And Pirate, yeah, I totally know what you mean about sort of "becoming acclimated" to the condition we find ourselves in with the nanotech. Over time you get acclimated and shift to kind of rolling with it more with less preoccupied-freakout-worried state. It will NEVER cease being "disturbing" and worriesome, but I've definitely "calmed down" / "chilled out" better since it initially happened. The whole "devoting life to Christ" scenario is definitely what I seem to be being led to too, as far as my life direction. It's such a historical, surreal, momentous time we're living in. So interesting.... Stay well and prayed-up mon frere! Til next time! lol. God bless. ---S.

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Great documentation and your disclosure can give many people hope who are only finding out they have it too, now.

Thanks for sharing Kim.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Author

If it helps one person realize they are not crazy and can fight this battle, mission accomplished. Thanks so much <3 And you have my highest respects for stepping out to show people what is going on and the infiltration of us all. Your work is fascinating and so helpful, thank you for all you do.. you remind me of MacGyver (hopefully you know the show) and I appreciate you stepping up so very much

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Well you are not alone. I’ve had a very similar timeline. God is important in the healing process. There are also tons of natural treatments that can help.

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I'm so sorry to hear and fully agree with you. I am a lucky one whom was saved to some degree.. but they keep the battle raging on.

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The only thing we can do is continually detox as we are living in a toxic world. We are Breathing/eating/drinking heavy metals endocrine disruptorS and nanotech. This stuff is diabolical, but God is stronger, truth is stronger and light will prevail. Your documentation will help others who feel alone and crazy from the medical gaslighting. What many of them need to learn is to avoid the medical establishment and lean on natural methods, but it is so engrained in our western behavior to trust the orchestrators of slow death who pose as physicians and nurses.

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Absolutely agree 100%! Its truly disgusting to realize just how bad the medical establishment really is and you are so right, it is so ingrained in society its a hard barrier to breach with people. Simple and natural is key, in rawest form possible as not even the natural supplements can be trusted. Thank you, one big reason I am stepping out of my comfort zone to share is for other suffers whom may feel alone<3

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What did you do to feel better? I’m so sorry for all you went through.

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I guess I should say that I am in no way a professional of any type, nor am I giving any medical advice (obviously). But from my experience these were the top things that helped me:

#1- Truly giving my fear away to god

#2- MMS I followed the protocol from Dr Andrea Kalker's "Forbidden Health" book

#3-toss up: peroxide topically- and to clean the nose/ears CAREFULLY

pinch borax per day in water

I feel its been most important to get oxygen in my blood, which I did with MMS: and the color, consistency and black specs in my blood all improved dramatically. I have not tried ingesting peroxide yet but plan on trying it in place of the MMS as Im hoping it will have similar effect.

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I believe you need to check a genetic variant to make sure you can take peroxide. My friend did a peroxide treatment for lyme & she had to have the test firstZ

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Interesting you are saying about the black specks after MMS. A personal friend of mine experienced something similar but they were like black peppercorns coming through the bowels. This person had uterine cancer a hard cancer that was like concrete, they could not do brachi therapy through the uterus so they went the route of literally burning it out with radiation and of course chemo. In between chemo she would take MMS with the MMS pills full on maximum doses. This was back around 2010, note protocols these days are very different we also have CDS and this was before CDS times. She wanted to go natural but her parents who knew professors as they were influential pushed her towards the med side of things. So she decided to do both. They had her on endone by the shopping bag full, she described herself as a literal zombie for well over 12mths with full on brain fog, she is not a dumb person very academic with degrees etc so this did not sit well. She also got off the endone at one stage where she happened to be watching tv and she had a momentary lapse in the brain fog and an advert came on or a program about just what endone was. She looked it up and was horrified that she had become an addict. That was their plan all along to drug her into oblivion the doctors could not believe she got off it and was clean, they said there is no way you could get off it when you were taking such doses. She got off it and she believes that the MMS and the help of a hair dryer on her skin were the only 2 things that helped with the crawling and the nerve endings firing randomly. She said I never ate peppercorns or anything like that so where did they come from. Much more to her story she healed herself from the radiation poisoning that they gave her but she cannot heal the lymph glands that they burnt out of her body from the waist to the pelvis. Edema is not good in her legs, she does everything she can to abate that. What their so called cures are is nothing short of barbaric sadly. It is not through them that she is still alive but through her own doing using alt meds. They expected her to die and be left with a colostomy she refused to do both.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Kim

You are an inspiration Kim. You are a good example to others of one of Father God's Brave Children.

This is beatable.

I never saw signs of Morgellon's with my mother. I saw my mother get detoxed and better. Please consider getting on Cat's Claw glycerin tincture along with Ivermectin. What do you have to lose, but $11 bucks?

I make my own Cat's Claw glycerin tincture, it is easy and I know you can do it too, any body can. Let me know if you are interested and i will send you the information on how to make your own tincture for pennies on the dollar. 1 lbs of Cat's Claw cost $11.13.

1 lbs, of Cat's Claw is a lot of medicine!

Cat's Claw breaks up the BioWeapon C19 induced amyloid plaque build up on the brain and in the veins and arteries of the extremities, may be it will break up Morgellon's.

From one of my emails and Substack 'to be' papers of the future:

As I have mentioned in the past: The same way Cat's Claw destroys the tough amyloid plaque build up in the brain, is the same way Cat's Claw destroys the white amyloid scaffolding (aka fibrous clots) with in the veins and arteries of the extremities. It breaks the amyloid scaffolding up on an atomic level and removes it from the body.

Dr. Lam

👉 Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline? https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/cats-claw-and-the-brain/

PubMed: 👉 The Amazon rain forest plant Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) and its specific proanthocyanidin constituents are potent inhibitors and reducers of both brain plaques and tangles: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30728442/

As far as Morgellon's goes, I've been told it is not of this world. It is a 'silicon' life form. It prefers warm, moist, dark places like the human body, but it does not like the human body, hence the Morgellon's strands coming out of the body, trying to find a better place to survive. It wants the soil. If you see a strand coming out of your body, may be put it in/near some soil and see if it will come all the way out in to the soil. It wants to disappear deep in to the earth. It does not like the light, may be do this experiment in the shade or indoors. Also, if Cat's Claw can dissolve plaque and amyloid scaffolding, then perhaps it can dissolve Morgellon's strands. Just a thought.

About 8 years ago a friend who is a Colonel in another country, told me his superior's superior wanted him to find a way to turn Morgellon's in to a weapon. He gave them a baloney report. Some how, some where, some scientist found a way to turn Morgellon's in to a bioweapon after all.


The BioWeapon has chymira man made parasites among other things man made, are 'man made unstabels.' Father God's evolved perfect plant medicines are not unstable and successfully fights back the BioWeapon symptoms. You just need to ingest Cat's Claw, Ivermectin and get better and better and better until you detox completely. As I have said, what do you have to lose but $11 bucks.

If it were not for God's perfect plant medicine, none of us would be here today.

Take care Kim.

May Our Paradise Father bless you with your good health back.

May all your needs be met according to Father God's Will.

May you be blessed dearest.

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Thank you so much! And absolutely It can be beat.. just gotta hang in and give it the right hell. I would love the info on Cat's claw glycerin tincture. Not sure I would trust the ivermectin at this point as all of the meds seem littered with same stuff Im already battling. I did use Ivermectin in 2021, and I found it helped tremendously with my brain battle and energy all around. I only did 2 separate 10 day treatments, with prescription from local compounding pharmacy but its too advertised now and contaminated I worry. I would def love to try the cats claw tincture, and would certainly share the results. Agree on the morgellons, seems out of this world like many have said in the past. Early on I watched Dr Bill Deagle's 2006 Granada summit speech and it blew my mind back then, the details matched my experience exactly! Thanks again for all your well wishes, I am very lucky to feel great most of the time now, better than I have in decades. My heart hurts for the suffers whom have been dealing with this nightmare for far too long.. being told they are crazy and no help offered.. just want to throw ya in the straight jacket.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Kim

I'm sorry I missed your comment. I just now see it.

If you live some where, like Florida where Cat's Claw grows and is considered a pest vine, may be you can get your hands on Cat's Claw Root. The Root is what we all need as it is the most powerful medicine of the plant. Unfortunately the root of Cat's Claw is prohibited for sale. If you can not get the root, Cat's Claw inner vine bark will be fine as it is still powerful against the BioWeapon.

How I make My Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/how-i-make-my-cats-claw-glycerin

As for Morgellon's, I've know Morgellon's is a silicone life form for years as my Angels told me. Dr. Ana just recently reported Morgellon's is silicone synthetic. Synthetic or life form we are still dealing with 'silicone' in the body. Cat's Claw must desolve Morgellon's and whisk it away out of the body. I know it breaks down the tough, white amyloid antenna scaffolding found in veins and arteries, breaks it all down on a nano and atomic level, then removes it from the body.

I saw what it did for my mother's lower extremities. She could not walk. She was in a lot of pain. Her legs were HUGE. Cat's Claw brought her legs back down to normal size within about 8 weeks. She could walk again with out pain.

If cat's Claw can tear down that 'tough' amyloid scaffolding with veins and arteries and if Cat's Claw can dissolve tough white amyloid plaque and tangles in the brain, then I bet my vast fortune on Cat's Claw doing the same to Morgellon's.

C19 BioWeapon Injection Induced Juvenile and Adult Alzheimer's Disease.

Nothing Cat's Claw Can't Take Care Of.


👉 Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline? Article: https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/cats-claw-and-the-brain/ By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Jeremy Lam, MD

We take Ivermectin Horse Paste here in Washington State. My husband is intuitive. He can see if a product is tainted with the BioWeapon just be looking at it and tuning in to his feelings. The Horse Paste in Washington State is not tainted. I think, generally speaking, for now, the Ivermectin Horse Paste is safe.

Ivermectin and Cat's Claw are the cure together against the BioWeapon per my Angels.

From one of my scheduled post:

If you can not secure get Ivermectin, one can use other herbs, spices and foods high in Shakimic Acid and Suramin to stop the production of Spike Proteins in the body.

Cut the head off the snake:

Cat's Claw is an AntiMutagenic herb as Cat's Claw stops the mRNA from mutating the cells in to Spike Protein factories, therefore no more Spike Proteins wrecking havoc in the body.

Ivermectin reduces inflammation, is an antiviral, kills parasites and binds to the Spike proteins removing them from the body. Until Ivermectin is available, 'Herbs' such as Sweet Wormwood that kill parasites, are recommended.

The Best Home Remedies for Parasites https://www.drberg.com/blog/the-best-home-remedies-for-parasites


Black Walnut Hulls


Human Grade Diatomaceous Earth, (drink lots of water as DE is very drying to the system).


15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx


Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021

By Jacqueline

Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein:

-Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) Identify your pine needles as edible. When drinking edible pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.

-Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid

-Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): When taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a gut blood purification process some call “interstitial dialysis”.

-Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)

-DIY Peppermint extract (very high in hesperidin)


More Super herbs High in Shikimate Help Disable Spike Protein

Dr. David Wolfe’s list:

-Schizandra Berry

-St. John’s Wort (Hypericum androsaemum): shikimic acid is found in abundance

-I found testing of 5 bean sprouts are rich in shikimate (incl. red kidney bean, mung bean, and alfalfa). The highest content is during the sprouting process.

-Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)

-Gingko Biloba Leaf

-Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia)

-LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tincture or tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.

-Carrots and Carrot Juice

-Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (the young blades)

by: Deep Roots At Home

For more videos and full article information, please go to:



Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"

"Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it." https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/shedding-concerns-it-looks-like-the 3:00 MIN.

Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are both parasite, larvae and egg killers. Both reduce inflammation. Both work together really well for some reason. They seem to synergize each other against the death shots. Ivermectin stops the Spike Proteins where as CC does not. Unfortunately the price of Ivermectin is going up, up, up.

You need protection against the Spike Proteins and the mRNA, (CC) and who knows what else is being transferred. I heard people are getting parasites from the vaxxed.

As a parasite back up for CC, I've been combining CC and Pau d' Arco together in a glycerin tincture.

Pau d' Arco is an 'AntiMutagenic' Bark as well. CC and Pau d' Arco both kill paraisites, cancer, stop mRNA, stop tumors, remove heavy metal poisoning, malaria, MRSA, Heart Health, Candida, lowers HBP, Poor Blood Circulation, Numbness in Extremities, Antibiotic, Immunity Booster, Detoxicant and so much more.



15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx


Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021

By Jacqueline

Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein

Herbco.com 1 lbs of Cat's Claw $11.13

cat's claw bark

Uncaria tomentosa


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So much awesome info thanks! Funny you mention, I am on the hunt to find cats claw in the wild.. if I do I’ll let ya know. Maybe I can smuggle some roots to you lol. Thank you!!

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Thanks Kim. It is a weed vine. I do not know why it is prohibited to harvest the root.

Take Care. God Bless.

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Sorry, I made a mistake, probably tired. I wrote: 'Ivermectin stops the Spike Proteins where as CC does not.'

Cat's Claw stops the Spike Proteins by stopping the mRNA process which produces Spike Proteins via mutations of the cells in to Spike Protein factory producers. This is possible because of Cat's Claw Super Hero AntiMutagenic Powers.

AntiMutagenic Medicinal Plant List, pick one or a few for tea. Sweet Wormwood and Pau d Arco are recommended.

Note: Sweet Wormwood is at the top of the AntiMutagenic Herb list: https://herbpathy.com/Action-of-Antimutagenic-Cid570

Scroll over the medicinal plant name and click for more details.

Ivermectin removes Spike Proteins from the body via binding to the Spike Proteins and carrying them out of the body.

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Hi Kim, I came upon an email with a comment from you and I was wondering how are you doing?

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Geneva, thank you for this info on the Cat's Claw!

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💖 you are always welcome.

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(I ordered the Cats Claw today. Let's see what happens..... haha. :) )

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How is it going with the Cat's Claw?

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That is wonderful Rabbitgurl. I am happy to know this. Are you going to make it in to a glycerin tincture or drink it as tea? I recommend the glycerin tincture as it is more powerful, easily absorbed and easy to carry around with you to take while around shedding people.

Did you get shredded or cut Cat's Claw? Shredded is best, but cut will do fine as well. Cut has to brew 2 - 4 weeks longer longer than shredded.

No alcohol for Cat's Claw, as alcohol destroys some of Cat's Claw valuable phytochemicals.

How I make My Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture


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HI Geneva! Ohhh good to know about the alcohol, I didnt realize that. Geneva this is the one I ended up purchasing on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/701892457/cats-claw-uncaria-tomentosa-premium-14 Thanks for the tips.

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My dear Rabbitgurl, that little 2 oz bottle is no where near enough. You'd be buying that bottle every 2 weeks or less for many months.

I've seen other articles on 'no alcohol for Cat's Claw,' but I can not remember where I saw them. I have a GAB post on Medical Medium and Cat's Claw I will post for the future on Substack. That is how I remember no alcohol for Cat's Claw.

Are you able to make your own tincture? If you buy everything to make Cat's Claw, you can make a lot of medicine, (which you will need), for pennies on the dollar. It is easy and you are smart enough to do it. I can guide you if you'd like. There are many articles and yt videos on how to make a tincture.

Cat's Claw is 11.00 bucks

1 gallon of Organic Glycerin is about 25.00 buck

1/4 cup of water

1/4 cup of organic apple cider vinegar

For less than $40.00 you can have all the glycerin Cat's Claw tincture you want. You must make sure to detox any one and any animals who live with you at the same time. I give 2 ml droppers full to my dogs twice per day.

I give 1 ml dropper full to my kitty per day.

I put 1/8 cup of Cat's Claw tea in to my birds water bottle. She drinks it freely.

Infected humans 4 ml 5 to 10 times per day.

Injected humans 4 ml 10 or more times per day.

If only we could get our hands on Cat's Claw 'root.'

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Cat's Claw: Life-Changing Herb

How To Use Cat's Claw: https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/cats-claw-life-changing-herb

Cat’s Claw can be taken as a liquid tincture (look for alcohol-free as alcohol cancels out the beneficial effects of the herb) or drink it as a tea. You can refer to the Medical Medium Directory for preferred supplements and teas that are high-quality. Check out Cleanse To Heal for exact supplement and dosage recommendations for over 200 symptoms and conditions.

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My dear, I do not see if it is alcohol or glycerin. I have seen alcohol tinctures for sale. And they do work, but the alcohol destroys some of Cat's claw medicinal benefits. I do not know which ones are destroyed.


Healing Benefits of Cat's Claw: https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/healing-benefits-of-cats-claw

* When choosing a cat’s claw tincture, make sure it’s not in an alcohol base. Alcohol cancels out the beneficial effects of the herb.

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Hi Rabbitgurl,

Have you noticed any difference since taking Cat’s Claw?

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Dec 25, 2023Liked by Kim

Hello Kim. I shared your experience (the Red Emperor blog link) with people who were suffering. They thanked me for it, so I'm returning you their "thank you".

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Thank you❤️ That’s what it’s all about, sharing and comparing❤️ appreciate you letting me know!

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Hey Kim, I'm subbed to your Substack now. Read a couple of paragraphs, but my brain has just shut down from pain overload - lesions on every facet of body...totally brutal - you understand I think. Anyways, when I have my senses back tomorrow I'll read the entire substack, and maybe we will have a chat. Their are many things you need to know that have just changed with us sufferers, I mean like just since earlier this month....and I dig 'em out on whole body now everyday. They are subcutaneous antennae. We should meet and talk. William Mark Spann, Anniston AL USA markspann@gmail.com

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Hope you find some releif. Up for a chat when you are feeling bit better. I’m noticing few changes as well.

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Be Not Afraid.

Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


Blessed Salt

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Nice Kim, well written and truly angering. I wish we and millions of others didn't have to suffer this way as victims. I hope one day we can return the favor to those responsible.

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I do feel like that day is coming for those evil f'cks... return those favors with a vengeance. Already their facade of making victims feel completely isolated and alone, which seems to have worked for decades, its being destroyed. Thanks so much and thanks for your insane information and visuals you are sharing.. incredible work <3

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Dear Kim! Thank you so much for sharing in such detail the surreal sensations you have felt and images of fibers you saw. We all appreciate it! I am glad you are better and feeling better than in 20 years! Yeah! You are now a great resource and inspiration for so many people! Thank you for your candid depiction of what was going on! I will be sharing! wish you all the best!

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THIS is a stellar stack! So much crossover into "real" life as I know it to be! WOWZA!

Going in for a RE-read!

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Sep 13Author

You got the best name out here❤️‍🔥 Thank you.. AND WE’re still here 😏

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Why TY. 😊 I figure it's more than applicable, given our misfortunate scenario of LIFE as we know it to be anyways :)

Never thought I'd/WE'd be biologically reformatted. Lol

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Sep 13Author

That was certainly a plot twist for me too😅100% applicable

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Hi Kim,

can you tell us what magnification the images were taken at to get a sense of scale.

Some of the white fibers look like the stuff that filters down from the sky after they've done an aerial drop. I captured some and although it could be electrostatic attraction the fiber come right at you as if they sense your presence.

I don't have anything like what you are showing but I see artifacts that might be hydrogel in every sample I look at.

The drawings on the face look like the circuits are following neuro-lymphatic pathways that are the same as traditional chinese medicine Meridian lines.

Does it feel like it is just under the suface of the skin? or does it seem deeper like where the lymph trunks and nodes would be?

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Sep 10Author

I just used a handheld WiFi microscope, magnification says 50-1000 times (hope that helps, this was my start at investigating.. little shakey, lol). I have thought of putting objects next to for scale (after most these pics)but my microscope gave up (can’t blame it!) I have a “notebook” of “things” to look at if I acquire another. Many of these things are not that small. I would say some of loose white fibers were as thin as thin spider webbing (sounds like the sky crap), those looked to get much bigger as the rest of everything took off building, which led to The video of white moving fiber, I would compare the thickness to human hair. Note: rapid construction happened within 2 months I was staying next to Disneyworld 🙄I found the metallic + particles started off invisible to eye (only felt them) and within couple weeks were easily visible, and like nothing I’d ever seen. Completely invisible/see thru on one angle, black or shiny silver from another.

One thing that was very strange, a year before the “super-construction”, ( def could’ve been hydrogel) was this blackish coating on the skin no matter how many times I’d scrub it off in shower, I’d pat dry with a towels and see this all balled up on the skin (this started right after a VERY unwarranted short prison stay).

A LOT of the construction felt right under the skin but quite a bit felt deeper, the green tentacled whatever felt very deep and cemented to my bone. Most of wires felt just under skin/wrapped around bones. The black ribbon shown felt the deepest I think. most the webbing type felt in/on the skin itself. I’ve asserted for years it’s not just in the blood (more using/changing blood for its purpose). I felt artificial construction and think I would be dead if that was in my vein/artery system.

Super Interesting about the neuro-lymphatic pathways/Chinese meridian lines. I can’t figure when all this started, but in 2008 I had “stage 4 melanoma” and proceeded to get repeatedly injected in the NECK with radioactive nucleic acid, at least 5 times in row (lethal dose limits???) surgery was supposed to test if it spread to lymph nodes. Was supposed to have a 3 cm cut behind my ear. Woke up to my entire neck, up to the top of my ear (behind it) being horridly sliced and just internal stitches!! And they “couldn’t find any lymph nodes to test”.. then I look up the major lymph nodes which happen to be all along my cut🤨

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Prisons are documented Project Paperclip Not See experiment zones. No doubt that was ground zero.

When anyone in healthkill says something as stupid as what you were told, it is clear that they were in on it. Rebecca Carley and I had a guest who talked about National Security Letters that are sent to heads of hospitals, clinics, and rank and file doctors telling them to do or not to do something or they and/or their families will pay the price. The reason is that there are patients there targeted by the govern mente. If a patient is too much of a burden on the state then since ERs went to TEMP WORKERS as doctors the clandestine services just send in a Taker-Outer and the burden in now toe-tagged and the temp doctor goes away.

It's tragic you are going through this.


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I have very much the same experience. If you ever want to talk about it with someone who truly gets it, you can message me and I’ll give you my number!

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Thanks so much, those recommendations are all amazing thank you!! Love your posts as well, just need more time to read!! Although I did feel alone in 2021, Ive since found, unfortunately, that there were so many suffers for so long, whom were treated horribly and its so sad, my heart goes out to everyone who suffered this alone, its the reason I really started searching for others and trying to reach out, speak out however i could. Im much more of a sit back and observe type of person, until I feel there is wrong going on then I cant.

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Everyone needs to be speaking out, we're getting to the pointy end of the stick.

The predictive programming works two ways, enough talk about it and the sheeps minds are de sensitised to the idea.

In saying that I'm careful what and who I say nanotech to. Usually with the sheep I'm all figures, adverse reactions etc. If I'm not selective and I say something too far from their beliefs their minds will categorise me as a threat because it makes them uncomfortable.

Nice work and keep it up, many a little makes a micle. If everyone takes a shovel out of the mountain it disappears.surprisingly fast.

Edit excuse thw mistakes I'm working nights

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I couldnt agree more, its getting very sharp out there!! Nice tips for trying to talk some sense into people.. Im still dumbfounded by all the crazy looks i get when pointing out the grid lines in the sky, the blinders are just so thick! Yeah jumping in to new territory here for sure but slowly working it out, right on board with the fact we need all hands on deck as they say.. or everyone grab a shovel. thanks P.S.- I'm starting to cherish little mistakes, signs of a real human <3

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I'm human all right..... its a small phone and I'm in a bad habbit of typing whats in my head and not proof reading it

Too far down the NWO, depop, nanotech and you potentially lose them for good. Just the safe stuff with safe links that are impossible to dispute. This all unravels once someone critically thinks, after that whether a day, month or year eventually they're at a similar place as everyone else.

In saying that, everyone of us don't agree or are unsure. Don't force them just leave them at the water and if they're thirsty they'll have a drink....

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so perfectly said! yes you can only lead them there for sure! I see mistakes I made now in my post but cant sweat the small stuff.. so a bit better next time is all. I'd prefer the unfiltered thoughts anyway

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Thank you for sharing your story. I am having an extremely hard time getting a physician to prescribe me ivermectin. They said that the government has put a block on prescribing it. Also you stated that after you drank MMD is when you noticed things to begin to break and snap off of you. What is MMD? Forgive my ignorance on the abbreviation lingo's. 😉☺️ Just wondering what it is as I would love to try some myself. Thank you so much!!

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Hi, sorry just seeing this message. I’m leary of the ivermectin being contaminated, especially since govt is hellbent on it. I got it through myfreedoctor.com in 2021. Not sure about todays products though..

MMS is like Chlorine Dioxide Solution(CDS) but made different. I used Dr Andreas Kalcker’s book on it and protocols. I found CDS not effective internally at all, for me. MMS was essential to my feeling better. Here’s link for online book:


Found this book super easy to navigate. Protocol ‘b’ is basic for MMS

Protocol ‘C’ is to make CDS

Table of Contents is very useful, best of luck❤️

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Don’t overlook this to try, I’ve been hearing amazing results.. I’ve yet to try but know people personally who benefitted the same as these testimonies.


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Sep 13Author

**Actually, I have seen NO GOOD UPDATES FROM THIS, from the blood/urine or anything but “feeling better”.. which is nice, but May be hurting you more in the long run ( like I suspect happened to me in 2021 with ivermectin, felt good but soon after had fluorescent green “things” “living” in my skin). Only thing I saw presented was rapid growth, if anyone has “seen evidence” otherwise I’m interested. Everything’s infused with fuckery..

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This comment section is a goldmine! You had green fluorescent...I had pink with gold sparkles...fluorescent as well. Started with a non-healing skeeter bite....I jeweler looped it under UV light & low & behold. That's some shit!

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Sep 13Author

those damn crazed mosquitos. Sorry these bastards suck so much..

I actually didn’t have uv light, but that crap was like original glow-in-the-dark nail polish color.. if you know what I’m talking about.. no test needed, imo of course lol.

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Lol. Skeeters be the original vampire.

I was lucky my loop came with 2 light settings I guess.

Haha, I'm pretty dense, I didn't know that the neon green was biological material under UV light!

Makes ya kinda wonder WHAT 's in glow in da dark nail polish!! People parts? jk :) ... maybe.

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Sep 14Author

No limits to the possibilities.. you gotta both laugh and cry about it I think. If you let everything get you down you’re totally screwed.. I’m sure there’s some papers on that lol. Found the phages in “mosquito control spray” just the other day and of course, They make great fluorescent “bots”, visually see the uptake quick and of course it’s approved widespread for spraying on food/water/air/meds etc etc etc.. to kill bacteria/viruses.. man do those f’ers fit EVERYWHERE/EVERYTHING!! Who knew we had to learn all this crap ourselves, weaving through 💩 to find things that actually make sense?! No technical jargon needed..

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