Hi Kim,

Leigh is a brave lady. Good for her.

Your research is valuable and much appreciated.

Warm Regards and wishing you a good 25,


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Thank you Matt! I hope your 2025 is great and full of smiles and fun!

Very much appreciate you and ALL your work, one of a kind 🔥❤️

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Look into the LM4 life meter. I own one. Wilhelm Reich Orgonomic Functionalism is superior to majority of the hocus pocus. Far as aura goggles, most are scamming you all. It's not Dicyanin, it just has the same spectrum. Even the UV filter-disks used on UV led flashlights, same deal. But those disks are up to $10 each. They only pass deep violet and deep red, same as Dicyanin. 365nm UV-pass filter disks, glass, from china LED flashlight suppliers. Congo blue works the same, and you can stack up about five layers, for a few cents. Aura is measurable and thus objective, its just there is a lot of dumbed down people and this includes most those with the so called degrees. I also built my own sort of backyard med bed based on Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife, Slim Spurling, Wilhelm Reich, and Dan Winters work. Same thing there. Objective evidence by living blood analysis before, then after, with quite obvious improvement to erythrocytes. Mainstream medical seem to think it is pseudoscience but its very obvious to me their business model is flawed and becoming obsolete, so they feel threatened by nearly all forms of energy healing so they can keep selling poison. #hypersanity

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HI Interesting your comments. I have built a lot of objects bassed on Wilhelm Reich work. I use them dailey. But they all work from the outside of our biofield either touching or near. Wilhelm Reich built a Orgon Box with many layers of organic and inorganic material. You sit inside of the box to heal. Never built that yet. Bad and good frquencies effect our biosphere from outside in and now they have concocted ways to enter our biofield to do as they please with us. Kim posted some videos very disturbbing here. Even though I know all this you know how it is when you hear it from another source the understanding is more disturbbing. With what I have does not effect mi WIFI or anything else there pointing at me. Knock on wood! Kim and you have given me an idea. The biosphere has bounderies surrounding the body and mind. What if a Wilhelm Reich Orgon Box was just big enough to put both hands inside. It would be like healing from the inside out. Seems that would be an inexpensive Med Bed? Just my IMHO... RR

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Appreciate you taking the time to share a bit of your knowledge. Hope to try out the Congo blue goggles some day, sounds like it would help to see some invisible enemies as well?..

you rent time on that backyard med bed lol? I’ve so much to learn in that arena.. I’ve read up on some of their works but the full comprehension is far far FAR away. Impressed by your ingenuity 👍🏻👍🏻, are you from the aether police force? 😉 (hope ya know what I’m referencing, otherwise Nvrmind😆)

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We are indeed into “Aether Police” ehehehe. UFO, Ghost hunters, and have performed exorcisms as well as remove unconsented chip tech found broadcasting signals from peoples bodies! Quite annoying to evidence especially ufos and ghosts. Evidencing chips bit easier if learn to build mm wave blocking Faraday Cage. There is a trending tag now on that called #bluetoothgate that is quite disturbing.

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Not yet far as public access. Still tinkering. When others use we have never charged them and we do the Reich blood test before and after if they want. They have to sign notarized waiver that cant sue property etc and poke themselves as we must protect ourselves from litigious environment of people who target us.

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I take my afternoon siesta on my Wilhelm Reich Orgon blanket every day I made 8 layers steel wool 8 layers 100% virgen wool.

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Lovely! Since I have meter, I can tell you without doubt in mind that wool is superior to polyester. However the best I have measured is Linen. Linen is also better than Hemp!

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I love all the different “methods” you utilize and construct ❤️ And your results are impressive, keep up the awesome work❤️‍🔥

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You are the first person I know of to have a crack at a home made med bed - Big Respect.

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There is way more. I met locals who have their own life extension projects too that are a 20 min drive away that really helped me build and we ended up as partners. We have a book called “A Class on Life Extension” on Amazon.

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Thank you, will look into it for sure! Oh yeah, if mainstream says pseudo, I’m definitely interested in looking into it!

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Yeah, that looks like what I have. I however paid bit less but it was many years ago.

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I got it from the original creator. James DeMeo PhD. I can’t help you as far as purchasing. I do have work done on reverse engineering schematic.

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